25th EGF General Meeting 2014
EGF2014“EGF at 50: the future of European Grasslands”
The EGF General Meeting 2014 was held in Aberystwyth, Wales UK from 7-11 September 2014 in the Arts Centre on the campus of the Aberystwyth University.
The 50-year anniversary of the EGF was integrated into the conference which was attended by 300 participants from 38 countries. The 25th EGF General Meeting 2014 was a great success and offered the participants a memorable setting. The European Grassland Federation EGF is most grateful to the British Grassland Society and the Aberystwyth University for the perfect organisation and valuable achievements of the conference and thanks for the warm hospitality in Wales.
Find the history of the EGF (The European Grassland Federation at 50: past, present and future) for download below
Report from the EGF Executive Committee and the EGF Business Meeting, respectively:
- EGF has a new Mission Statement
- EGF significantly intensified and strengthened the contact with the EU
- Elections to the Executive Committee:
- President: Nesheim (Norway) for the period 2014-2016
- Regional representatives: Countries to represent EGF regions 2014-2018
- Central Europe – Switzerland
- Western Europe – Belgium
- Southern Europe - Italy
- Federation Secretary: Kessler (Switzerland) re-elected for 2014-2016